Research Overview

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The Research Planning and Development Department conducts research that generates socio-economic data relevant to its various stakeholders’ specific and current needs. The primary product of the department is Labour Market Information.

Labour Market Information captures both demand and supply-side labour market information that informs and guides TVET-related strategic planning and decision making. This information aids in the identification of skills required by employers, job vacancies and emerging labour trends.

Demand-side data is gathered from industry and employers, while supply-side data is collected through training providers, the secondary school system and university/tertiary level graduates. This type of information can be used in the development of occupational standards and to create demand-driven TVET programmes, which would produce the graduates required by industry, thereby resulting in the improved matching of labour supply and demand.

As part of the National Training Agency’s strategic focus on strengthening the National TVET sector, the research department also undertakes general research on TVET trends and best practices supporting educational and labour market operations. It is anticipated that such research would assist in developing a responsive and resilient TVET sector.

Research Planning and Development Products: The Users

  • Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities – CANTA

  • Domestic and Regional Government Agencies

  • Private and Public Companies

  • Employers’ Representative Organisations, e.g., Chambers of Commerce, ECA, HRMATT, etc.

  • Training Institutions

  • Schools

  • General Public

  • Internal NTA stakeholders